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Pleasure from Pain and Negativity


We humans experience pain and suffer from it. How could then pain be a measure of pleasure?  How could pleasure be a source of pain? This is the pleasure paradox this post covers.

A quick example of what I mean is testing for Covid- 19. We recall the horrifying pain of worrying about being infected by this virus.

You tested against it and the result was negative. Was not this a source of pleasure for you? It relieved you from the intangible pain of waiting for the result and the worry that it may have turned positive.

Another example is the hair pull test. This is a special technique to pull hair. The person who conducts the test may pull out less than five hairs. If so, then your hair is safe. If not then you may suffer from hair loss.

Imagine a woman with beautiful hair doing this test. How relieved she shall be to know that her hair shall not shred and fall.   The mild pain of the test and the pain of worry turned to pleasure.

A different example is negative painting. Painters tend to darken the background of their painting with dark colors to brighten the light colors to stand out as the design.

The lesson here is that life may paint the background of your life in dark experiences. Remember then that the brighter sides of your life shall stand out. Dark events in our lives brighten the pleasurable ones.

Use negative painting to show the bright sides of your life.

One more example is the negative tide test. This test involves measuring the low water twice a day for many days. If the average of low and lowest water fall below zero then this is a negative tide.

This tells up a life lesson. Our lives are like tides. They may be negative tides sometimes, but remember that the hide tide will appear. Do not fall in despair. Be patient and persistent. If life darkens it shall brighten up.

There is a kind of pleasure that deserves condemnation. It is when feelings the pleasure of somebody failing or experiencing some hard times. It is when the pain of others become the source of pleasure for some people.

From pain and dark days we grow and mature.

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